Description: Training focused on the Canadian Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification examination. [ Be sure to set the language selection box in the top right corner of the page when navigating our training site ].
Objectives: Enable the candidate to successfully pass the exam dispensed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) [Industry Canada prior to 2015]. Certification is not a trivial endeavour. Achieving success is your responsibility alone.
Assessment: The candidate validates his competency with a Question Bank published by the Department. A mark of 80% is a substitute for Morse competency since 2005. The minimal pass mark is 70%.
Resources: You will need to invest tens of hours to study hundreds of concepts, some fairly abstract. Ideally, your Web browser should support JavaScript to display animations and simulations. Highly recommended external training aids are built to run on Microsoft Windows® or Linux.
Other information: Certification grants you a call sign (call letters) whose prefix in the province of Quebec is VE2 or VA2 (VE7/VA7 in British Columbia, etc.). This training is an excellent introduction to wireless technology and electronics. This certificate must not be confused with the Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime (ROC-M) or the Restricted Operator Certificate - Aeronautical (ROC-A).
Description: In this lesson, you will learn to use Ohm's Law ( I = E / R ), the concept of electrical power ( P = E x I ) and the difference between series and parallel circuits.
Description: Second of three lessons on regulations. It discusses restrictions and responsibilities, such as privacy of communications and station identification.
Description: Modern stations comprise transceivers and accessories that frequently run off 12 volts DC (direct current). A power supply provides energy at that voltage.
Description: This lesson covers operating procedures: e.g., calling and answering, emergency traffic and signal reports.
Language: English
Professors: Francois Daigneault
Units: 24, Tests: 1
System news
29 Jan 2025
Banque de questions de Base 2025
À compter du 15 juillet 2025, les examens de certification de Base seront préparés à partir d'une banque de questions révisée. Consultez les avis chez ISDE et Radio Amateurs du Canada.
Environ 20 % de la nouvelle banque touche des concepts qui ne figuraient pas auparavant au programme ou des concepts familiers explorés d'une nouvelle manière.
Notre instructeur bénévole est chargé d'adapter le matériel actuel à la nouvelle réalité. Des détails suivront en temps opportun.
29 Jan 2025
2025 Basic question bank
Starting July 15th 2025, Basic certification exams will be prepared from a revised question bank. See the notices at ISED and Radio Amateurs of Canada.
About 20% of the new bank pertains to concepts not previously on the curriculum or familiar concepts explored in a new manner.
Our volunteer instructor is tasked with updating the current material to the new reality. Details will follow in due time.